Sunday 28 February 2021

Bye Bye Sousa…….Daddy is CRAZY!!!

Good afternoon all you lovely people. It’s a warm Sunday afternoon here in the house of TOOT 😺 The temperature is nice, the sweet breeze is comforting and I am feeling much better thank you all for you kind and meaningful messages. As many of you out there in kitty-land know that I haven’t been myself for a while. Not eating and sleeping all the time was how I was. Well, with the finest of food and Alfa staying away from my food dish, has helped me get better. Like a very brave cat, I have been taking my medicine drops in my mouth and have complained little. I must keep a brave face as Alfa watches my every move. I set the tone and the standards. I am Queen Zara! 😻

This week has been a very busy one indeed. Of course, because it is my watch and control. We started the week off with an American King Cornet sale. This handsome cornet came complete with accessories and the famous DR TOOT  One Year Free Maintenance Warranty Service. On Tuesday a shipment arrived from Japan carrying many accessories and a Professional Yamaha French horn and a Yamaha YCL650 Wooden Clarinet. Our Repair Team of 3 got stuck in and serviced these instruments faster then an Alfa eating a fishy meal. On Thursday in a wink of an eye, the French Horn was sold to a young budding musician here in Auckland. On Friday the large white snail, (Sousaphone) was sold to a gentleman in Wellington. This instrument comes complete with mouthpiece and accessories including a gig bag case…..more on this later….On Saturday a young man with his mother came in to try and buy a Yamaha YTS61 Vintage Tenor Sax. Man could that boy play!!!! After they bought it and left, we received an email from another customer in Wellington wanting to buy the Yamaha YCL650 Clarinet that arrived here with the French Horn. Wow!!! Things move very fast on my watch 😸

Now about the Sousaphone…. As I mentioned, it comes with a gig bag case. This is a soft case and not great for couriering around the country. So, Daddy in his craziness and pride in service, was going to leave at midnight on Sunday night and personally drive down to Wellington and deliver it to him personally. But last night the Prime Minister announced that Auckland again was going to Level 3 which means Auckland is in lockdown and travelling outside of Auckland was not permitted. Mummy, Alfa and I think he was crazy to even think of this....

Time to sleep now and rest.  Daddy had to play in a concert in Takapuna this afternoon but like many things….it has been cancelled. Let's hope that we will go back to Level 1 again soon !!!