Monday 3 June 2019

Rest in Peace, Norm...

There were lot of things happened last week…we had sunny warm autumn days and horrible heavy rainy days here in Auckland.

On Monday, daddy delivered a pre-loved tuba, which arrived a few days ago from Japan, to one of schools in Pukekohe. It looked a very shinny and new. So, the school was very happy with it.
The same day, a gentleman visited us. He phoned us before and talked to daddy about getting a pre-loved clarinet. He saw our pre-loved B & H Edgeware wooden clarinet and like it very much. So, he left here with the clarinet and happy face J

More saxophones have arrived for repairs/services from private customers. Daddy and boys were busy with repairs and mummy was also busy with the preparations for the weekend…Yes, we had to go to the Cat Hotel again !!!!!

They went to New Plymouth to have a DR TOOT Pop Up Store at the NZ Classical Saxophone School and Festival for the long weekend. Daddy dropped us at the Cat Hotel on Friday afternoon and picked us up this afternoon. So, I am writing this blog after I got home now.

Tell you that Zara was not happy at all…Daddy was out most of nights except Tuesday. So, she wasn’t impressed at all…

Anyway, daddy and mummy told us that the even went very well and it was good to see some new faces. It was a beautiful weather today and nice driving back home….all good and we are happy to be at home too J

On Friday, we had a staff monthly meeting. Zara and I heard that the team was talking about lots of things, and daddy mentioned that Norm might come to see us today…Norm is an older gentleman who plays trombone with daddy at Howick Brass and he sometimes visits to see how everyone here is doing. The last time we saw him was a few weeks ago with his dog, Monty.

Then, Mummy received an email from Howick Brass….we were all shocked and devastated. It was a very sad news…Norm passed away on Thursday suddenly. The boys, mummy and daddy are all very sad. Norman always made us smile and he was an unofficial member of the DR TOOT Team. We will all miss you Norm….R.I.P.