Monday 1 February 2021

Been a hard week for me….

Good afternoon, my fellow subjects and follower of good taste and cultured chats. As I said the last time I spoke that I am eating less and sleeping more. This has been a concern of my staff, (Mummy and Daddy), so on Wednesday Daddy took me to the Animal Hospital. They were very shocked on how much weight I had lost and took some blood and urine tests. Neither of those tests were comfortable to give. The results came back the next day showing that my kidneys, liver and heart is good and I seem healthy in that way. The weight loss is still a mystery but I have been prescribed dosages of Potassium and something to ease my pain. I will return for another check up in 2 weeks and hope to have gained some weight. Because of my weight loss, Mummy and Daddy are giving me very special and yummy food which I have in a separate room so that Alfa doesn’t eat any of it. I do my best but I am still not eating as much as I should. I still love my biscuits and am drinking lots of water. Please wish me well. Alfa is being very kind and supportive of me and I have given her some of my day to day duties to carry out. The Vet mentioned the “C Word” in front of me. Paws crossed that it isn’t that…..

As I haven’t been 100% this week, I have only managed to do a couple of sale of instruments but many accessories sales. The week started off with a sale of a Buffet Greenline R13 Clarinet that had recently arrived from Japan. It has gone to a new home in Auckland. On Sunday a family came over to see us and looked at a Yamaha Intermediate Trumpet for their son. He has only been playing for a few years but made a lovely sound on it. Another instrument from DR TOOT has found a new home in this beautiful country of ours 😺

Well it’s time to say good bye for now and I am sure I will be feeling better soon. Alfa needs to loose weight and I need some of her FAT. Please be thinking of me. I need your support…Meow Meow Meow 😻