Monday 4 January 2021


A Happy Meow to everybody. Alfa and I were able to stay up with mummy and daddy to welcome in the new year. 2020 has been a very unusual year for humans. Life goes on for Alfa and I. Humans and Alfa have been in lockdown which means they could not go out and meet many people. Alfa is a house cat so she has to stay at home anyways. For me, 2020 was a good year to see much of daddy and mummy. I would have liked to see less of Alfa….🙀

I am getting old I think. I find it harder to get around and always seem to be very sleepy. Alfa is getting fatter and I am getting skinny. Mummy and daddy are going to take me to a cat doctor so I can have a proper check up. Mentally I am of course 200% but I am not as young as I use to be…..I think daddy is the

Even though DR TOOT is closed for the holidays, mummy and daddy are spending time in the shop. Holiday orders and questions about current and in coming stock. There are many instruments due here but because of delays in shipping from Japan and other countries, instruments are taking longer to arrive. This due we are told to the covid virus and we all must be patient. A few shipments did get through and they include a large amount of Gonzalez Reeds from Argentina and 2 intermediate Briccialdi flutes from Italy. We are expecting more goodies from Japan in the coming days and weeks.

We are into the 4th day of 2021 and so far all is good. Again, here in NZ we went early, hard and fast into closing our boarders and enforced isolation. This has given the humanoids a lifestyle that does not require masks. Alfa and I have never had to use masks as we are always pretty healthy. …well I am anyways. It’s time to say goodbye for now and again wish you all a very Happy New Year. Stay safe, stay healthy and wash your paws. MEOW…MEOW…MEOW 😻😻😻