Sunday 12 April 2015

Shorter days...cooler nights

As Alfa said at the end of her blog….Daylight savings is over. That means shorter daylight days. Lighter in the morning and darker and a little cooler at night. I don’t know why humans have to muck around with the times. Alfa always knows when it is dinner time. I just follow her lead.

I have only one trumpet sale to report this week. This happened on the Tuesday and we believe that the young man will be getting it for his birthday. Lucky lucky boy. This week we had a few more instruments arrive from Japan. These are a pair of Yamaha Custom CS Bb & A Clarinets in a beautiful double case. Also with the clarinets was an Antigua Alto Sax. Daddy is working on the A Clarinet now.

More tools too arrived in from America. These will keep Daddy and Shoko very happy……until they want more tools. The final thing that arrived from overseas was a long awaited shipment of saxophone pads from Italy. Japan, America and Italy. Wow…DR TOOT is an international destination for many things J

Last night mummy and daddy went out to a BBQ. This was held at a cottage in Howick where DR TOOT first began. I remember this place as a very young kitten. It is a beautiful place with lovely gardens and trees. When we lived there, the landlady had a dog called Billy. He and I didn’t see eye to eye on many things. That wasn’t too hard as he only had one eye…..anyways…When Billy died, the land lady got a cat, who happens to be my brother called “Pretty”. We didn’t talk much about Pretty. He has long hair and issues I think. Our eyes are similar, but that’s it! I am and will be for evermore Queen Zara. Queen over all things that are good in the cat world.

Time to go. I am still trying to forgive daddy. A couple of nights ago, he stepped on my tail with his heal and all his weight. I let off a horrible scream. I will let daddy suffer a little longer before I pop back onto his lap. Pain has its price J