Sunday 24 July 2016

We never get sick!!!!!

What is this getting sick business? Alfa and I are always well and always there to assist whenever possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot outside, or if it’s early or late. We are always on the ready. Well, as you know, daddy was away for the best part of 5 days last week. He was very healthy when he left but maybe caught something when he was away. Daddy says that he has a bug. Alfa eats many bugs, but she seems ok……for Alfa that is. Daddy is coughing and sounding funny. His voice sounds strange. Lots of sleep and stay warm is what mummy is telling daddy. I hope he gets well soon.

This week, we made no major sales, but sold many accessories. Daddy and Shoko have been very very busy in the workshop. Shoko has been working on a Selmer Paris alto sax as well as many other instruments. Daddy has been helping by cleaning everything for her and servicing many brass instruments. They have been so busy that they worked till 7pm on Thursday and Friday. There are still many instruments to repair and more coming in all the time. More instruments arrived from Japan as stock instruments that also need attention before they find new homes.

Mummy has been crazy busy in her office. The New Zealand Concert Band Festival is coming up soon and DR TOOT are the main sponsor of this event. This year it will be in Gisborne which is more than 5 hours drive south from here. I know that Alfa and I are not going which makes me think that it’s the cat hotel for us again….Alfa is being silly again and slowing mummy down. Alfa insists in sitting between mummy and her keyboard. Alfa remember is young and is in the “all about me” generation !

I was a bit worried on Tuesday. I thought daddy was leaving us again!!! Daddy left the house at 9.45am and returned near lunchtime. Daddy went to give a talk about DR TOOT to about 100 people in Howick at a private function. Daddy’s voice was pretty good for that. You do know that our daddy loves to talk. Many of the people there had seen our website and saw Alfa and me in the DR TOOT Team. They made many nice comments about Alfa and me….I think mainly me :)

Well it’s time to go and check on, on how daddy is. I have never seen him sleep in the daytime. Daddy says’ that men get more sick then woman. All I know is that us cats are stronger then you humans.