Sunday 23 April 2017

They Came Back !!!!

Yes, they came back ! I knew they would, but Alfa everyday would cry and wonder around the house looking for her mummy. What am I talking about??? I am talking about mummy and daddy’s trip to Europe and that they arrived back on Easter Monday. They were gone for 12 days and went to Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Paris and London. It was a short trip for them and we are happy they are back 😺😺😺

Masaru looked after us very well while they were gone. He fed us well and everyday he cleaned out Alfa’s poo poo box. I told Alfa to not make a fuss when they arrived back. I said “ Play it cool…just act normal”. Alfa is still very young and doesn’t listen very well and made such a fuss. She followed mummy everywhere and cried when she couldn’t see her mummy. Daddy knows that I missed him and slept on his lap while we all watched TV.  We have to be mature about these things you know.

While they were away, they saw many things. They went to a Music Trade Show in Frankfurt. Saw beautiful churches in Strasbourg and ate very well in Paris. Daddy looks much bigger, but I can't say too much because he might get angry 😎. Mummy and daddy said that in Paris, there are so many dogs. Small cute little dogs that left not so small poo’s everywhere. Dogs have no class and do IT everywhere. On the way back on a train from the Selmer Factory just outside Paris, mummy and daddy saw a dog in a man bag sleeping very happily. I wonder if mummy and daddy would consider getting a small bag to carry me around?….maybe not. They finished the trip in London but were not  able to see the other Queen. I wanted to offer my best wishes and blessings.

While they were away, many instruments came in and Masaru was here to receive them and work on some of them. Even though this has been a short week, I still managed to sell something. Apart from many accessories, I sold a couple of clarinets. A Yamaha YCL450 and a Buffet E11 Plus. I also assisted in the sale of a Yamaha YFL311 Flute and a Yamaha YAS480 alto Sax. Yes I still have it in me and have set a challenge for Alfa to match or better my sales. We will see…

Well its time to go and rest my head. I have been listening to all their stories and it is getting a bit too much for me sometimes. I am sure Alfa will fill you in on more stories. Ta Ta for now my loyal viewers…😊😊